Sunday, 30 June 2013


Hi everyone, I'm sure you've all been wondering where the hell I have been. Or maybe you didn't even realise that I was absent. The last time I made a blog post was probably in March which is crazy, but I'm finally back now! I guess I should explain myself...

Life has been crazy busy in the last couple of months with juggling exams, school work and work. When I state it simply like that it doesn't seem like a big deal, but putting in hard work for all three is very time consuming and tiring. I've finished all of my AS exams now which I am so happy about, they all went ok but only results day will tell whether the hard work I put in paid off or not (I'm seriously praying for all A's).

Apart from school work taking up my time, the real reason why I stopped blogging for  a while was because I just wasn't satisfied with my blog, I didn't like the way it looked, I got frustrated with my camera quality, and I just lost motivation because of this. As you can maybe tell I've changed up my blog slightly, and I've changed the URL again from to . I know for a fact that things on my blog will be forever changing, but I guess that's just how things are always going to be!

I'm so excited to get back into the swing of blogging,I have honestly missed reading blog posts so much, I'm going to catch up with all my faves after this. I've even invested in a new camera which has amazing quality compared to my last camera, so that acts as motivation in itself!!

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