Sunday, 16 February 2014

NEW IN | FEB 14'

Watch // ASOS £20  |   Leather Jacket // H&M £29.99  |   Jersey // TOPMAN (sale) £12  |  Nike Roshe Run

This month I've managed to accumulate quite a few black things (no surprise there), no matter how much I try to stay away from the shade I just seem to end up getting more and more of it. Don't get me wrong, black is such a classic shade, any way you wear it you will always look good, but I really need to try and break free from my safe zone and explore more colours and patterns!


Raveene Dompreh said...

#Teamalwayswearingblack! That watch though, I need one just like that. Love all your black items! xx

Aby said...

Those shoes are really nice!
I am very much the same tbh: Black, white, greys and beige. It is a real problem.


Aby said...

Those shoes are really nice!
I am very much the same tbh: Black, white, greys and beige. It is a real problem.


Abigail said...

Lovely items, I completely empathise with the black clothing i just love it!

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